In between frantic beading to get the mermaid done I stitched a basketliner for a gift basket for a work colleague who retired just before Christmas; she was ill and so her retiral "do" was postponed until a few weeks ago. I filled the basket with M&S smellies and some chocolates all with a lavender theme and wrapped the basket handle with lavender and blue ribbon. Kathryn was thrilled with her basket (phew!) At the same time I was working on a sympathy card for another work colleague who sadly lost her husband just before Christmas. In true "Ally" fashion I forgot to take a photo of the finished card but if you look in my Webshots (link on the lefthand side) there is a pic of the finished card (this is the third or fourth time I have stitched this one!).
The round robin has kept me busy too and I now have Mylene's robin to work on which is going to become a cushion cover; I haven't managed to start it yet as I need to order some threads but hopefully it won't take me too long to stitch up. I am really looking forward to getting it started though.

I am currently working on a mini sampler which one of the partners at work asked me to stitch for her mum; it is to be either a mother's day gift or a birthday gift (both of which fall in March) but luckily it is a fairly quick stitch so shouldn't take me too long. I already stitched this about 13 years ago as a birthday gift for my mum and it turned out really pretty. Mum loved it and of course when Christine asked about something for her mum this sprang to mind right away. I took it into work to let her see it and she said that it was just perfect so away I went. Luckily I had all the threads so I could get started on it right away. I am using 18ct aida in pussy willow for this - very subtle shade and it works well with the very pastelly colours of the sampler.
In the world of tennis; Andy got to the final of the Aussie Open (well done young man!) and Elena (Baltacha) has broken into the top 75 and is now our number one ladies player. Right chuffed for Elena she is a lovely young lady and a very talented player. Andy isn't playing Davis Cup this time around so I won't be travelling to Lithuania to cheer our squad on -beside I am hoping to be either just about to go in or just out of hospital by that time (I should have a date for my op any day now).
I still have plans for my shop - it's not happening just yet although I have had a re-think as regards the location and think I may just have found the perfect place; more on that as it happens and my research progresses.
Until next time ... thanks for reading and for the comments you leave; I really do appreciate it!
Love and hugs,
Ally xxxx